One of the most typical questions people unfamiliar with the 3D printing industry tend to ask is about the availability and offering of different materials that can be utilised today. This issue is, i…
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Spoiled for Choice: A Gallery Of 3D Printed iPhone Cases
There is no doubting that 3D printing has come a long way from its industrial roots and manifested itself as a serious tool for producing a wide range of consumer objects. To celebrate this paradigm s…
Teeny Tiny 3D Printed Car
3D printing is proving to be a technology with a strong future and potentially one of the most disruptive technologies of all time. Research with 3D printers is currently underway for a wide range of …
Video: 3D Printing – A New Divide
Keynote address by Nicholas Wang of Makible, at The New Context Conference in Japan recently. The presentation is in English, don’t be scared off by the introduction in Japanese. And if you can overlo…
Preview Of The 3D Printshow London 2012
One of this year’s most exciting 3D printing events will open its doors in two weeks — the 3D Printshow in London, UK is running across the weekend of 19-21st October. This gathering, with an im…
The Team at Wired are 3D Printing Obsessed
It has been great to see more and more mainstream media getting exited about 3D printing — pretty much in every corner of the world. One of the most prominent media channels is certainly Wired magazin…
7 Finalists Compete for $100,000 in 3D Printing’s First Charity Challenge
Seven finalists have been shortlisted for the global 3D4D Challenge – techfortrade’s first charity 3D printing challenge – to promote and celebrate innovation in aid of developing countries by using 3…
3D Printing: It’s fine to get excited, but take heed…
This post has been formulating for some time, and it was a vehement conversation with Rachel Park at TCT Live last week that kind of brought it to a head. Rachel, who I have known for many more years …
Physical Retail is the New Frontier for 3D Printing
As I mentioned in the Blu-Bin article on Tuesday, retail outlets seem to be the next logical step for 3D printing organizations — and this is happening on two fronts: 3D printing systems and accessori…
The Customisation Value of 3D Printing
The ability to acquire unique, one-off desirable items has traditionally incurred tremendous expense, but that no longer needs to be the case thanks to 3D printing and some very creative design work. …